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Artificial Intelligence in Customer Experience and the Revolution of Business Dynamics

Graphic image with the phrase How can AI Improve Customer Experience?

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, reshaping the realm of Customer Experience (CX). From AI-powered chatbots to Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, businesses are leveraging these technologies to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction. 

We understand the importance of implementing new technologies to improve business efficiency, but we also know that changing paradigms is not always easy. But don’t worry! We’ve got your back covered.  

This blog will comprehensively explore the multifaceted impact of how AI is transforming the online customer experience across various segments. Let’s deep dive together! 

Benefits of AI in Customer Experience 

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of AI in customer experience has propelled businesses towards unparalleled advancements. 

With entities like OpenAI on the cusp of achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), the potential impact on customer experience is profound. AGI, characterized by versatile problem-solving capabilities akin to human intelligence, holds the promise of revolutionizing customer interactions. 

The imminent breakthroughs in AGI research are poised to further enhance the benefits of AI in customer experience, ushering in a new era of seamless, personalized experiences for consumers. Through personalization and customization, predictive analysis, improved customer engagement and satisfaction, and efficiency and cost reduction, AI will elevate the customer experience to another level. 

Let’s explore how these advancements will impact the consumer experience!

Personalization and Customization 

AI excels in providing tailored customer experiences by leveraging data analytics and Machine Learning. The crux of AI in customer experience lies in personalization, ensuring a seamless, tailored journey for each user. This strategy fosters customer engagement and loyalty while significantly boosting customer retention rates. 

The application of AI for business, particularly in personalization, revolutionizes how companies interact with their customers in real-time.

In Gartner’s insightful article titled “Improve Customer Experience With Artificial Intelligence,” the focus squarely rests on AI’s pivotal role in elevating user experiences. The article underscores AI’s unmatched capability in personalization, emphasizing its impact on driving customer loyalty and retention. 

The roadmap to success involves understanding business dynamics, pinpointing specific needs, devising a strategic plan, delving into the customer journey intricacies, navigating through various AI options, and monitoring progress to ensure effective AI integration.

Predictive Analytics 

Through machine learning and data analytics, AI facilitates predictive insights that enable businesses to anticipate customer behavior accurately. These insights, derived from customer journey mapping and data analytics, empower companies to proactively address customer needs, delivering a heightened intelligent customer experience.

According to Gartner’s insights, “Use Generative AI to Enhance Content and Customer Experience,” predictive analytics empower companies to tailor experiences in real-time, ensuring a seamless customer journey. This study also mentions that “by 2023, more than 80% of organizations will use some form of computer vision to analyze images and videos”, and Generative AI has a “proven impact on content development and customer experience.” 

Improved Customer Engagement and Satisfaction 

AI-powered customer experience tools such as chatbots and voice assistants provide swift, accurate responses to customer queries. Utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP) and real-time data analytics, AI and chatbots are transforming the customer experience by ensuring efficient, round-the-clock support, thereby amplifying customer satisfaction.

Gartner predicts that AI, chatbots, and conversational user interfaces (CUIs) are transforming customer experiences, paving the way for more efficient and responsive support systems.  

Efficiency and Cost Reduction 

Automation, driven by AI technologies, streamlines operations, reducing manual intervention and operational costs. 

The integration of AI-powered customer experience enhances operational efficiency while maintaining a consistent omnichannel support system, which is crucial for retaining customers in today’s competitive market. As mentioned by Gartner, AI-powered customer experience diminishes the need for extensive manpower, resulting in higher operational efficiency. 

How Can AI Improve Customer Experience? 

In the realm of customer experience, AI emerges not only as a disruptive force but also as a driving factor behind unparalleled advancements. 

From its capability to decipher complex data for personalized recommendations to providing instantaneous solutions through chatbots, voice assistants, and sentiment analysis, AI empowers businesses to craft experiences tailored to each individual. Its real-time analytics and predictive insights revolutionize how companies anticipate and address customer needs. 

Let’s explore each of these features.


AI-driven chatbots are transforming customer support, offering instant and personalized assistance. These chatbots, leveraging natural language processing and machine learning, provide real-time solutions, delivering a tailored customer experience that fosters engagement and retention. 

With new technologies, chatbots won’t just be a predictable answer feature anymore. Instead, they will be intelligent and capable of providing real-time, appropriate solutions to your immediate customer needs. This is a clear example of AI improving customer experience, and it’s right around the corner! 

Voice Assistants 

Voice-enabled AI assistants like Siri or Alexa enhance the user experience by providing hands-free interaction. Through data analytics and machine learning, these assistants cater to user queries, offering personalized suggestions and services in real-time, thereby improving customer engagement. 

Gartner’s insights in “Two-Minute Case Study – Artificial Intelligence: Sephora’s Newest Beauty Advisor” showcase how Sephora utilizes AI to offer personalized recommendations, improving user experience. 

Sentiment Analysis 

Have you ever imagined a machine analyzing human emotions? Well, now it’s a reality. AI’s capability to analyze customer sentiment from interactions aids businesses in understanding customer emotions and concerns. 

Companies can address issues promptly by employing sentiment analysis through data analytics and machine learning, leading to improved customer retention rates. 

Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Experience 

In the realm of customer experience, real-world examples serve as beacons illuminating the transformative power of AI. Industry leaders such as Starbucks, Sephora, and Netflix leverage AI to craft tailored and immersive experiences for their customers. 

These exemplary cases vividly demonstrate AI’s prowess in predicting preferences, providing personalized recommendations, and fundamentally reshaping the customer journey.


Even if you don’t believe it, your coffee preference can be predicted! Starbucks utilizes AI to predict customer preferences based on various parameters such as location, weather, and historical data. 

This approach leverages machine learning and data analytics, ensuring tailored offerings that enhance customer engagement and satisfaction. 


Sephora’s implementation of AI enables personalized product recommendations for customers. 

Through advanced algorithms and data analytics, Sephora delivers a highly tailored digital experience, elevating customer satisfaction and retention. This has also helped Sephora increase its organic search visibility. 


Do you feel like Netflix knows you even better than your friends? Perhaps it does! According to Aish Fenton, Manager, Research, and Engineer, “80% of what people play on Netflix actually comes from the recommendation algorithm.” 

Netflix’s recommendation algorithms, backed by data analytics and machine learning, provide users with personalized content suggestions. Continuous advancements in these algorithms ensure a superior digital experience, exemplifying how AI elevates customer experiences online. 

Implementing AI for Customer Experience 

 Everything seems pretty amazing until now, but now the question is, how can we implement all of this to improve the customer experience in our business? The first thing to do is contact us (of course!), and also, you can do the following.

Identify Your Goals  

Before implementing AI, define clear objectives aligned with enhancing personalization, improving response times, or reducing operational costs. AI for customer support must be aligned with business goals to maximize its impact. 

According to David C. Edelman and Mark Abraham in their article “Customer Experience in the Age of AI,” “intelligent experience engines must be surgically focused on microgoals—positive moments composing the entire customer experience.” 

Businesses can combine different AI options to meet their goals. “No one platform can comprehensively manage end-to-end personalization. Nevertheless, key problems, such as creating a 360-degree view of a customer, are being solved with automation, AI-powered intelligence, and activation tools for delivering AI-driven recommendations.” 

Gather and Analyze Data  

Data forms the foundation of AI-driven solutions. Gathering relevant customer data and employing robust data analytics methodologies ensures actionable insights for informed decision-making and effective customer segmentation. 

Choose the Right AI Tools  

Selecting AI tools compatible with business objectives is crucial. Consider scalability, compatibility, and integration capabilities when choosing AI-powered customer experience solutions. 

Train Your Team  

Equipping the workforce with the necessary AI skills and fostering a culture of continuous learning ensures the effective utilization of AI tools for enhancing customer experiences. Automation, combined with human expertise, delivers unparalleled customer support. 

The Future of AI in Customer Experience 

The future of AI in customer experience promises even deeper integration and sophistication. AI is already transforming customer experience, and it is poised to play an even more significant role in the future. 

Here are some of the key trends that are expected to shape the future of AI in Customer Experience: 

  • Hyper-personalization: AI will enable businesses to create hyper-personalized experiences tailored to individual customers’ unique preferences and needs. This will be achieved through a combination of AI-powered data analysis, machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP). 
  • AI-powered empathy: AI will enhance customer interactions with empathy and emotional intelligence. This will be achieved through AI algorithms that can analyze customer feedback and social media posts to understand their emotional state. With this understanding, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants will be able to provide more personalized and empathetic support. 
  • Omnichannel support: AI will enable businesses to provide seamless support across all channels, including chat, email, social media, and phone. This will be achieved through AI-powered routing systems that can direct customer inquiries to the most appropriate agent or chatbot. 
  • AI-powered self-service: AI will empower enterprises to offer more robust self-service options, allowing customers to resolve issues on their own without having to contact a human agent. This will be achieved through AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants that can provide step-by-step instructions, troubleshoot problems, and answer frequently asked questions (FAQs). 
  • AI-powered customer insights: AI will facilitate companies to gain deeper insights into their customers’ needs and preferences. This will be achieved through AI algorithms that can analyze customer data to identify patterns and trends. With these insights, businesses can make better decisions about product development, marketing, and customer experience. 

In addition to these trends, AI is also expected to play a role in the development of new CX technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). AR and VR can be used to provide customers with more immersive and interactive experiences, such as virtual product demos and personalized product recommendations. So, we invite you to always be Future-Ready


Artificial Intelligence is at the forefront of revolutionizing customer experiences. From personalized interactions to predictive analytics, AI and chatbots are transforming the customer experience landscape, providing real-time, tailored solutions that enhance customer engagement and retention. 

Implementing AI for customer support requires a strategic approach, leveraging data analytics, machine learning, and automation to offer seamless omnichannel support that ensures customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

In summary, the future of AI in customer experience holds tremendous potential. Businesses that adeptly harness AI’s capabilities will forge stronger customer relationships, ensuring a competitive edge in an evolving market. Basically, businesses today have no excuses for not having a professional user experience. 

In today’s world, using AI to improve customer experience isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a necessity. We’re here to support you throughout this process!

This comprehensive exploration underscores how AI, with its capability for personalization, real-time interactions, and data-driven insights, reshapes the landscape of customer experiences, driving businesses toward enhanced engagement, satisfaction, and customer retention.  

 Don’t let Artificial Intelligence outsmart you! Employ it wisely to harness its advantages for your business goals. Remember, we’re here to support you throughout this process. 

Thanks for reading!

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The Client

Partner in Publishing (PIP) is a full-service agency specializing in marketing, sales, business development, and talent acquisition support to EdTech companies and publishers.

The challenge

PIP wanted to start offering a new service – search engine optimization (SEO) – and needed a series of three animated videos with motion graphics to promote it across their social media channels.

The strategy

We leveraged our SEO expertise to create three scripts showcasing PIP’s field proficiency. After approval, we developed storyboards and incorporated brand elements to ensure the videos reflected PIP’s values And brand identity

The result

The resulting video series effectively communicated what SEO is, how it’s done, and PIP’s process for delivering it to clients. The videos captured the attention of various brands who contacted PIP to avail of their SEO services.

The Client

Papaya Creativa is a marketing and advertising company specializing in crypto technologies. They approached us with an exciting challenge: to attract new audiences to their collection with a powerful and engaging promotional video featuring a 3D Kraken character.

The challenge

Our challenge was to create a 3D model for the Kraken character using only a reference image of a 2D NFT. We also had to convey the character’s anger at the pollution of the seas and promote environmental awareness through the video. Finally, we had to develop a complex creative strategy to captivate and engage new target audiences.

The strategy

To meet the challenge, we began by creating the 3D model for the Kraken, carefully adapting the visual attributes of the original image. Then, using digital sculpture, we added critical morphologies to the surface to ensure every detail was perfect. Once we finalized the texture, we created the storyboard and animated every visible body part, from the face to the chest. The final steps were to add music effects and post-production, resulting in a detailed and animated 3D Kraken that conveyed the desired message.

The result

Our creative strategy and hard work paid off as we delivered an engaging and memorable promotional video featuring the 3D Kraken character. The video effectively conveyed the message of environmental awareness while promoting the NFT collection, capturing the attention of new audiences.

The Client

Partner in Publishing (PIP) is a full-service agency that provides EdTech companies and publishers with the marketing, sales, business development, and talent acquisition support they need to scale their products and services.

The challenge

Update their old website to renew their services and branding. This website had to include all their services and complete business information, but the design had to be well-structured to keep the visitor engaged.

The strategy

We did rebranding work that enhanced the visual elements of the previous branding to create stronger contrasts that achieved high accessibility for the website and other digital elements that were to be published. We created a strategy to build a website that would rank high in search engines on its excellent performance, accessibility, good practices, and SEO requirements to meet the positioning factors.

The Client

StreamAgency is an innovative software solution that provides real-time sales support to website visitors through video streaming. With StreamAgency, businesses can provide high-quality customer service and support while increasing conversion rates and revenue.

The challenge

The client came to us with the idea of software that could improve online businesses’ revenue by connecting with potential customers and engaging them in live conversations. The goal was to create personalized experiences and increase sales through customer satisfaction.

The strategy

After knowing the client’s needs, our team of designers and developers decided to create a software solution that consists of a streaming platform that integrates into existing website platforms and provides actual time sales and customer services presence in a virtual space. The platform has a live video of a sales representative, and the live chat allows users to answer customer queries in real-time, reducing response times and improving customer engagement. We developed the platform using MongoDB, ExpressJs, React, and NodeJs technologies.

The result

After integrating StreamAgency, customer engagement increased; we noticed that by having faster response times and personalized attention with an actual human being, the visitors’ trust and satisfaction increased, which transformed into higher conversion rates.

The Client

Home Health Companions is a Dallas-based senior care services agency with two primary services. The first is Caregivers and Companions, and the second is Private Duty Nursing.

The challenge

Home Health Companion came to us with the need to receive more calls and contacts from potential clients.

The strategy

We conducted market and audience research for HHC to identify who their potential clients were and what keywords they used to search for your services. We created a specialized landing page to receive forms and calls for each service, where we describe the main benefits and the value proposition of HHC. We created two campaigns, one for each service, where we chose the settings and keywords that were most convenient to receive calls and attract the right audience’s attention.

The result

During the last year, we have received clicks and calls that have increased the demand for HHC services.

The Client

Modern Campus is a company that develops software for higher education institutions. It is based in the United States and has a large portfolio of products, ranging from its own Content Management System (CMS) to a text messaging service for universities and colleges.

The challenge

The company needed help with its technical and On-Page SEO strategy: optimizing the loading speed on the product pages, optimizing meta-tags, text structure, and enhancing the articles they have on their blogs.

The strategy

40 URLs were selected to be optimized, and for each of them, keyword research was done to optimize the content for the most suitable ones. Technical SEO optimizations were performed to decrease the loading speed of product pages and blog articles by up to 2-3 seconds. Meta-tags were optimized, and new heading tags were added to the blogs, in order to give them a more appropriate structure and better respond to the searches that users make in Google.

The result

There has been exponential growth in organic traffic and keywords ranking on Google, with more than 1,000 on page 1. From April to October, traffic increased by 320%.

The Client

Home Health Companions is a Dallas-based senior care services agency with two primary services. The first is Caregivers and Companions, and the second is Private Duty Nursing.

The challenge

Home Health Companion came to us with the need to receive more calls and contacts from potential clients.

The strategy

We conducted market and audience research for HHC to identify who their potential clients were and what keywords they used to search for your services. We created a specialized landing page to receive forms and calls for each service, where we describe the main benefits and the value proposition of HHC. We created two campaigns, one for each service, where we chose the settings and keywords that were most convenient to receive calls and attract the right audience’s attention.

The Client

Nustef Baking is a cookie manufacturer that distributes two notable brands to Canada and the United States. These brands are Kii Naturals and Reko Pizzelle. They have an average annual turnover of 20 million and their products are very popular.

The challenge

Create creative content for Facebook, Instagram, and paid advertising in the formats of reels, carousels, stories, and images for the feed. These posts should be entertaining, dynamic, and fun. For this challenge, we had to show the consumer’s lifestyle and include content about the product and its packaging.

The strategy

The strategy was based on creating a tree of topics for the content, each corresponding to specific subtopics and calls to action that invited the customer to make recipes and preparations with the cookies and additionally to know the location of the nearest store where they would find the product. 

We created a system of testing and data analysis for the ads to improve the paid content every month. As part of this testing, a lot of video material was created, and we chose the theme based on the popularity of past content; after testing for a few days, we made the decision only to run the most popular posts and those that had the most engagement, ensuring that the cost per click was cheaper.

The Client

DATASCIENCEGOX is a technology company that presented a clear goal, to create an event to bring together data and business executives to share their experiences, learn from others and create a network effect among senior leaders.

The challenge

Reach out to high-end profiles in the data science world and invite them to the event. Persuade them through marketing strategies that combine virtual reality, flawless information, and impeccable communication. KPI: Bring 20 qualified attendees to our event.

The strategy

Personalization: Send a timely, exclusive, and personalized message to senior profiles through an internal LinkedIn message. Innovation: Invite people through a virtual reality space that simulates the target audience’s office and a stage that would be the meeting point of the event. Concrete Information: Send a brochure describing the objectives and event schedule. Database Building: Contact people who have shown interest in DSGOX events in the past, send them a personalized email message highlighting the event’s uniqueness.

The result

We hosted 32 attendees and experienced no technical hurdles. Discussions flowed smoothly and we also managed to stick to the schedule and proposed times, respecting everyone’s time.

The Client

Sukker Baby is an e-commerce company that distributes healthy Swiss gummies in Canada and the United States.

The challenge

Sukker Baby, an emerging e-commerce company, approached us with a unique challenge. With just a logo, they lacked a cohesive brand identity and required various brand applications. The client wanted assistance designing captivating gummy packaging, engaging content for social media and their e-commerce platform, and compelling sales material.

The strategy

To tackle this challenge, we embarked on a meticulous research process to uncover valuable insights that would guide the creation of a comprehensive brand identity. Through this endeavor, we created a stunning Scandinavian illustration gallery, the cornerstone of the brand’s visual communication. This carefully crafted document provided a guiding light, ensuring consistency across all brand applications.

The result

The outcome of our collaboration with Sukker Baby surpassed all expectations. We crafted an enduring and impactful brand that seamlessly adapts to various mediums while preserving its unique identity. Sukker Baby’s consistent and unforgettable brand experience resonates with its audience, leaving a lasting impression and reflecting the company’s vibrant personality across all its brand applications.

The Client

At Lil Horse powered by DrakeTech, creativity, and innovation are the driving forces behind their mission to impact society positively. As a dynamic creative agency, they offer a wide range of services, including branding, design, marketing, and development.

The challenge

The challenge was creating a set of visual guidelines that would go beyond their existing brand book’s conceptual and theoretical nature. While the brand book was a comprehensive resource, it needed to be supplemented with a more accessible document summarizing the brand identity’s proper usage. The goal was to ensure that anyone working with the brand could easily and accurately utilize all the essential elements, such as colors, fonts, hierarchy, and photographic style.

The strategy

Precision and clarity to elevate brand consistency. To tackle this challenge, we conducted an in-depth analysis of their brand and the existing brand book. This research was the foundation for developing more precise guidelines and rules for correctly using the brand identity. The strategy focused on creating a comprehensive handbook that left no room for ambiguity. The handbook covered a range of crucial aspects, including the appropriate use of fonts in various colors and backgrounds, guidelines for combining graphic elements, and maintaining the optimal saturation level in photographic styles, among others.

The result

A user-friendly brand handbook for seamless branding. This invaluable resource empowers every team member and organization, regardless of their specialty, to flawlessly apply the brand identity while maintaining consistency. With this handbook, anyone can confidently navigate the world of Lil Horse’s brand, ensuring that its essence remains intact in every interaction. The Brand Handbook has become the go-to resource for harnessing the true power of the Lil Horse powered by DrakeTech brand.

The Client

URBANDER is a forward-thinking and solution-driven agency that helps businesses transform for the betterment of humanity.

The challenge

URBANDER approached us to revamp its brand aesthetic, but our collaboration soon revealed opportunities to improve its communication, clarify its strategic direction, and evoke strong emotions.

The strategy

We kicked off with a creative session to capture our client’s vision and ideas. Together, we unearthed vital concepts that were clear to URBANDER’s leaders but needed to be communicated effectively. Our team then conducted a thorough brand audit and in-depth research to identify visual and communication gaps, which we summarized in a report and insights panel. We then employed our brand development methodologies to establish the brand’s strategic pillars, archetype, and ideal buyer. Finally, we translated these concepts into a unique visual expression, including a new logo, color palette, photographic style, fonts, graphic elements, and brand applications.

The result

Our collaborative efforts culminated in a vibrant and energetic new brand for URBANDER, which reflects the agency’s core purpose and how it is ready to make a significant impact globally.

The Client

Point Network is a visionary company that aims to bring decentralized internet (Web 3.0) to the world, making it accessible to all.

The challenge

Our challenge was to create a brand identity from scratch that could effectively communicate Point Network’s powerful mission to the world.

The strategy

To create a brand that truly resonates with the audience, we started by understanding the core values and purpose of Point Network. We then developed a comprehensive brand strategy that included a brand personality, communication strategy, logo design, and brand applications. Finally, our team worked closely with Point Network to ensure that every aspect of the brand was authentic and aligned with its vision.

The result

The result was a complete brand development that included visual and conceptual elements. In addition, our team created custom content templates, communication strategies, and brand applications that perfectly conveyed Point Network’s message. The new logo design reflected the company’s innovative approach, while the brand personality reinforced its commitment to transparency and inclusivity. With a strong brand identity, Point Network is well-positioned to achieve its ambitious goal of revolutionizing the internet.

The Client

Hoyos Luque is a construction company specializing in large-scale furniture projects, ranging from house renovations to skyscraper construction.

The challenge

Our team was tasked with creating a digital twin of a building Hoyos Luque had constructed. The goal was to develop a virtual reality presentation to showcase the building, which would help the company reach a larger audience and increase sales.

The strategy

To complete the project, we divided our team into two stages: living and shared spaces. The first team focused on building the space, architectural elements, and furniture. The second team was responsible for lighting, texturing, and the environment. By dividing the project into manageable stages, we were able to set realistic deadlines and milestones. This allowed for easy turnaround on significant changes and last-minute additions.

The result

The project was a resounding success! The virtual reality presentation tool we developed allowed Hoyos Luque to sell all the units in the building. We achieved this by creating more than thirty 360° panoramic renderings of different living spaces, including 2-level and 3-room apartments, open areas, a cinema, gym, coffee lounge, and more! Showcasing these spaces in a virtual setting allowed potential buyers to truly experience the building’s features and design, resulting in higher engagement and, ultimately, more sales.

The Client

Groupe Focus is a company that distributes and advises different furniture manufacturers.

The challenge

To create High-quality images for project support and future development of interior spaces and furniture.

The strategy

We learned about them as a company, business, products, and clients. Understood what they needed, were looking for. From the beginning, we connected composition and image, which helped us create an easy, fast, and complete workflow system, allowing us to create high level final images for each project.

The result

More than 25 projects were completed, from 3D furniture modeling to complete environments and spaces from architectural plans.

The Client

Budweiser is a medium-bodied, flavorful, crisp American-style lager brewed with the best barley malt and a blend of premium hop varieties.

The challenge

When Budweiser approached our team, we faced an exciting and unique challenge: to design a versatile bar that could be replicated anywhere in the world. In addition, the client wanted us to create a family of products that would embody the essence of the Budweiser brand, paying meticulous attention to every detail.

The strategy

To meet this challenge head-on, we embarked on an immersive journey into the heart of Budweiser’s identity. Extensive research allowed us to uncover invaluable insights that would serve as the cornerstone for our furniture construction. Armed with this knowledge, we entered the sketching stage. Carefully selecting materials, lighting, and textures harmonizing with Budweiser’s visual identity, we aimed to create an experience that would resonate with Budweiser enthusiasts worldwide.

The result

Our efforts culminated by creating a truly remarkable family of products that seamlessly integrated Budweiser’s language. This carefully curated collection comprised five tables, one bar stool, one bar, one bench, a sofa, a DJ stage, a hall, a welcome arch, a photo spot, and a totem. Each design exuded visual splendor while demonstrating practicality, ensuring that customers would be immersed in an unforgettable experience at any Budweiser bar, regardless of location.

The Client

Sator is a forward-thinking company specializing in virtual spaces, NFT collections, and the implementation of crypto technology. Their goal is to enhance people’s lives by introducing new and innovative technologies.

The challenge

Sator approached us with a unique challenge – they wanted to create a video game that would serve as a metaverse, offering NFTs as rewards to players.

The strategy

Our expert team delved deep into the brand manual to gain valuable insights for developing the Metaverse’s visual image and assets. Based on the brand’s values, we created unique models for the video game that would also serve as NFTs.

The result

Thanks to our optimization and quality-focused approach, we exceeded Sator’s expectations by delivering a complete package of assets for the Metaverse. The gamified experience we created is immersive and rewarding, showcasing SATOR’s commitment to innovation and technology.

The Client

Nustef Baking is a successful cookie manufacturer that produces two famous brands – Kii Naturals and Reko Pizzelle. With an annual turnover of 20 million, is a major player in the baking industry.

The challenge

Nustef Baking aimed to boost brand awareness and expand their reach on social media with a custom Instagram filter. The challenge was to craft innovative content that would set them apart from their competitors and captivate their audience’s attention.

The strategy

We created a content strategy with subtopics, calls to action, and two augmented reality filters to boost brand awareness on social media. Our team crafted two filters based on the target audience, one that modified the user’s face and another that featured cookies coming out of their mouth, both designed to be engaging and fun.

The result

Our strategy proved successful, as Nustef Baking reached over a million people, gaining +3,000 new followers. Engagement rates and website visits improved, setting them apart from their competitors. Our creative approach to social media and augmented reality filters played a significant role in achieving their marketing goals.

The Client

Budweiser is a medium-bodied, flavorful, crisp American-style lager brewed with the best barley malt and a blend of premium hop.

The challenge

Our team faced a unique challenge: designing versatile bar layouts replicable worldwide. The client requested virtual reality to represent each space while preserving the Budweiser brand’s identity in every detail.

The strategy

We created the first concept for the spaces and product family, driven by the brand values and tone of voice. The sketching stage selected materials, lighting, and textures aligned with the Budweiser visual identity to achieve the desired outcome.

The result

Thanks to our team’s hard work, we produced an impressive VR presentation showcasing five distinct layouts that could be used in any Budweiser bar, and a spectacular family of products that exemplified the brand language. The resulting designs were visually stunning and practical, ensuring customers enjoy a truly immersive experience in any Budweiser bar, regardless of location.

The Client

Zach Heydeman, a technology enthusiast passionate about cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and NFTs. As a web 3.0 expert, Zach has been working on various NFT projects and came to us with a unique challenge.

The challenge

The client requested accessories, facial expressions, and skins for over 1,200 NFTs, with a twist: the entire collection’s base animal had to be a gorilla, and Zach wanted a dramatic “gore” look and feel.

The strategy

We aligned timelines and expectations with the client in a creative session, using provided resources to create the gorilla’s personality and identity. Our vision crafted a unique, harsh environment that contrasted with any other collection out there.

The result

Our dedication and creativity paid off as we exceeded the client’s expectations with a collection that received positive public reception. The project’s originality and quality were crucial to its success, and we’re proud to have helped Zach achieve his vision, attracting other NFT enthusiasts and collectors.

The Client

Urbander is a marketing agency that empowers businesses through innovative, diverse, and inclusive solutions. They specialize in connecting organizations with diverse audiences, achieving their communication and human impact objectives.

The challenge

Develop a brand metaverse from scratch that embodies their identity and values, consisting of five unique spaces, such as an auditorium, office building, gallery, learning center, and an area for manifestation and expression.

The strategy

We analyzed Urbander’s brand identity and values to create a unique metaverse space. Our team crafted innovative products for each of the five areas, engaging audiences and promoting the brand’s progressive values.

The result

Our largest and most complex metaverse yet, designed for Urbander, embodies their commitment to diversity, equity, learning, and manifestation. It offers a dynamic and inclusive environment for all, connecting people and advancing humanity. The space offers a dynamic and inclusive environment for all.


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The strategy

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